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Lietuva ! Humaniškų žmonių kraštas. - komentarai

Žinučių: 14
labai idomu. reikia stabdtyt ta kinija nes ir kitos salys prades taip daryti

2010-07-16 13:10:45
Žinučių: 7619
Is 3milijonu?tada as isgarsinsiu Airija,nes ten daugiau nezinanciu buvo nei nenorinciu.Tureciau ne tik as taip pasielgti.Net savo bosu paprasiau ,kurie pazadejo pasirasyti..Iskart pasokom per 2vietas.. beje ir lenku paprasiau,o jie tik prisidejo prie ir taip gerai ju vykdomo darbo..kasdien vis genialesniu minciu gimsta kaip patobulinti ta skrajute ir kaip daugiau jos iplatinti..Va ir dabar lekiu i parduotuve ir paliksiu pluosta,kad paimtu ir nepamirstu to interneto adreso..
2010-07-14 21:02:05
Žinučių: 1525
Egle, Lietuvai manau 15 tūkstančių yra daug, o kad mes net ir į tą penketuką patekom - jau pasiekimas.
P.S. Tu šaunuolė, kad taip myli ir stengiesi dėl gyvūnų viską padaryti. Pagarba.
2010-07-14 16:17:19
Žinučių: 7619
Zmones!jUK taip nesunku pasidaryti skrajute,,as labai greitai judu i prieki..Puse zmoniu net nezinojo..tik jus galite juos apsviesti ir isgelbeti tuos vargselius..
2010-07-14 12:59:34
Žinučių: 192
Saunu ! Cia tai zygdrabis !
2010-07-13 10:16:10
Žinučių: 7619
He he he.Kaip gerai jauciuosi.apdalinau vakar draugus ir kaimynus su skrajutemis,palikau visa peticija papuosta suniuku foto parduotuvej.Zmones pasiskaitys ir zinos.. Cia visi galetu pasidalinti skrajutemis,kiekvienam sutiktam suniuku vedziotojui..Juk puse nezino kas vyksta..Jei visi suzinotu tada ne 15tukst.pasirasytu o bent milijonas!..Judam i prieki..

• ...The removal of animal skin or cooking animals while they are still alive is extremely cruel. The hunting and capturing of animals in the street, as well as keeping them in harsh and degrading conditions, is a badge of shame for the Chinese people. This is not how we would like to see such a respectable and great nation as yours. However, the reality in China in regard to the condition of its animals today is not something one can simply ignore.
Every animal has the right to live in dignity.
The way we treat those who are weaker than us determines who we are, and it is our moral duty to take care of those who are the weakest among us...
• ...We ask you, in the name of morality, in the name of the animals that have suffered greatly, both in life and in death, in the name of the animals that are right now going through these terrible agonies, in the name of every citizen in the world that cares and in the name of the Chinese citizens who care, we ask and even demand that you act so that the animals in your area will have an honourable life, that they will not die in agony, that they will not suffer while they still live.
Please, pass laws for the welfare of animals as soon as possible:
Please, forbid the killing of animals in cruel ways (suffocating them to death, cooking them while they are alive, skinning them of their fur while still alive, thrusting their heads to the ground, beating them with sticks and stones, etc.) and pass a law requiring that animals be put to death humanely.
Please, ban the transportation of animals in a way that hurts and disgraces them (squeezing many animals in small cages, throwing them off vehicles, tying their limbs behind their backs, gagging them and tying them to each other in various ways) and pass laws regulating the transport of animals.
Please, ban the holding of animals in harsh conditions (holding them in cages in the market without any food, water or shelter from the sun and the rain), and pass a law for holding animals in a humane manner.
Please, pass legislation determining which animals are considered pets and protect them – pass a law forbidding the consumption of pet animals. Please define cats and dogs as pets, and forbid their consumption and the selling of their flesh in streets and markets.
Please ban the capturing of pet in the streets and from private yards, and forbid unsupervised holding or slaughtering...
2010-07-13 10:04:06
Žinučių: 7296
Neblogai O iš Kinijos ir dar Korėjos 5-4 tepasirašė
2010-07-12 22:54:26
Žinučių: 6044
Skaiciau patiko Ir pasirasiau dar reiks eiti per tecio kompa parasyti
2010-07-12 21:04:39
Žinučių: 7619
15tukstanciu daug?paziurekit kaip lenkai pasirasineja!gerbiu lenkus uztai,kad jie kovoja uz savo krastieti,uztai,kad jie kovoja uz sunis.Musu zmones savam gerkle pasiruose perkasti,o jie vieni uz kitus..Jei bent puse musu salies pasirasytu jau butu ilgas kelias nueitas..
2010-07-12 20:59:32
Žinučių: 539
Pastebėjau , kad ir is kinijos pasirasė . Matyt jie taip pat pries
2010-07-12 20:06:09
Žinučių: 7619
Cia kiekvienam reikia taip padaryti juk kompiuterisu dabar visi namie turi.Ir vaikstant su suniu pasikalbeti su kitais ir iteikti ta skrajute..juk tik maza dalis pasirase..Mes jau diskutavom ta tema cia bet tik dabar suzinojau,kad jiems gyviems nudiria oda ir verda gyvus!!!! juk su kiaulem ir karvem mes taip nesielgiam.Greitai viskas ,o cia letai ir su kanciom..
2010-07-12 18:10:27
Žinučių: 6121
Labai gerai, kad daug žmonių tai padarė !..
2010-07-12 17:41:34
Žinučių: 192
Butu saunu !
2010-07-12 17:38:26
Žinučių: 7619
As pasidarysiu skrajutes ir paprasysiu zmoniu,kad pasirasytu
2010-07-12 17:04:13
